Our Program

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Brain Bees™  Mandarin


Brain Bees™ Mandarin is a program customized to coach young children to learn Mandarin enjoyably and master early reading skills through multimedia flash cards system and fun activities.

This is an unique and proven learning program that places a significant emphasis on:

 Enabling young children learned to recognize Chinese characters.

 Cultivating a love of reading in young children.

 Developing Chinese literacy skills in the early years.

 Promoting better retention level and longer attention spans.

 Enhancing observation, imaginative and critical thinking skills.

 Fostering effective long-term memory and higher levels of concentration.


The benefits of early reading

 Improved learning intention level and cultivated interest in reading.

 Increased language proficiency level and bilingual development.

 The key to develop intellectual abilities.

 Increased educational achievement

 Fosters school readiness and an easier transition to school.

 Increased positive and lasting effects on cognitive skills.

 Improved social skills.

 Boost and maximize brain power.