What feature(s) is/are included in Brain Bees i-Flash’s “Pictures of the Day”?

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What feature(s) is/are included in Brain Bees i-Flash’s
“ “Pictures of the Day”?


Feature 1:
Pictures will be flashed with clear and accurate voice-over. The child will connect the pictures, voice-over and the words together.

Feature 2:
Same as the Step 1, each picture is flashed ONE second.

Feature 3:
Same as the Step 1, the flash cards system has been programmed with auto add-in new pictures; and auto-retire old pictures in daily basis.

Feature 4: Preview Box
Select the words from pictures list and see the pictures in the preview box.


Feature 5: Pictures List
The list shows all the pictures that to be flashed for the day. Click on the specific word on the list to see the words in preview box and listen to the pronunciation.


Feature 6: Start
Click to start flashing the pictures.


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